How we find Facebook Ads that work.

Read the details below to learn the steps we take in creating successful Facebooks Ad campaigns.

The Goal

To create a successful Facebook and Instagram Ad campaign for our clients new product. The brand had only ever used alternative forms of marketing and had never used any form of Ad before. Recognising the untapped potential for quick returns with Facebook Ads alongside their existing marketing efforts, our goal was to seamlessly integrate this powerful platform into their strategy for the successful launch of the new product.

Where we started


To kickstart the campaign without any previous client data, we crafted three variations of the product's Ad and conducted a test to determine the most effective one.

Typically, we would run all three variations simultaneously; however, as this was the client's first experience with Ads, they opted for a cautious approach by allocating the minimum monthly budget until assured of results.

Each Ad was run at £25 per month, and over the course of three months, the results were analysed. Notably, the August and October variations excelled, achieving an impressive Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of 10.16, as illustrated in the screenshot on the right.


Continuously changing and testing Ad campaigns is a critical approach to ensure optimal returns in the present and to adapt to evolving strategies for the future. While there's room for testing numerous variations, it's crucial to stay within the fundamental building blocks. Here are the primary four elements we focus on when creating variations:

  1. Ad Image: Testing different visuals or graphics can significantly impact engagement and conversion rates.

  2. Ad Copy: The words used in the Ad, including the main message and any supporting text, can be refined to better resonate with the target audience.

  3. Ad Headline: The headline is often the first thing users notice. Experimenting with different headlines can capture attention and improve click-through rates.

  4. Call to Action Buttons: Testing various calls to action can influence user behavior. Adjusting the language or design of buttons can impact conversions.

By systematically testing and tweaking these components, you can refine your Ad campaigns for better performance over time.

The Changers

The evolution of our approach between each month reflects our commitment to continuous improvement. Following the results from the July campaign, we conducted a thorough reassessment and identified an opportunity to make the Ad copy more personal by toning down the sales-oriented language.

It is important to note that the Ad copy was the sole element adjusted between July and August, serving as a focused experiment to gauge the impact of this change. The results were compelling, with the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) surging from 3.45 to an impressive 10.16, all with the same budget.

We aimed for further optimisation so in the subsequent month, we decided to enhance the personal touch by changing the Ad image, resulting in another excellent ROAS of 7.86.

With two distinct designs that demonstrated strong ROAS in separate months, our next step involved testing both Ad variations simultaneously. This approach aimed to ensure the initial success wasn't a one off and to affirm the effectiveness of the refined Ad strategy.

The results

Changers 3

ROAS Increase 6.71

Spent £75.42

Return £542.73


leaving the effectiveness of your Ads to chance is a risky approach. If your Ads aren't delivering the desired results, it's wise to initiate small changes rather than through major overhauls. This method allows you to gauge whether you're moving in the right direction and learning from each adjustment.

Testing different Ad groups doesn't necessarily require a substantial budget. In our case, starting with the minimum Ad spend over a month provided valuable data for making informed decisions.

While researching successful campaigns is a good starting point, you will never know what will truly work for your business unless you try it yourself. Taking the initiative to try different strategies and learn from your own experiences is key to optimising your advertising efforts.

Get your Ads set up for free

We operate on a fully commission-based model, which means we handle the setup, evaluation, and improvement of all your Ads at no cost. We only earn when you do.

If you're interested, please share your email below, and we'll reach out to you within the day.